How to market a coaching business

Starting an online coaching business is an exciting venture. You’ve got the expertise, the drive, and the will to help others. But how do you make sure your voice rises above the noise? How do you reach those who could benefit from your coaching, and better yet, turn them into dedicated clients? The journey from…

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How to write killer content for a law firm website

The legal industry is rife with competition. According to the latest report by the National Profile of Solicitors, there are over 83,000 lawyers in Australia. That’s a lot of people to compete against. And that’s why lawyers, like any other business, need a website that can effectively represent them to potential clients. The law firm…

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A copywriter’s guide to email marketing

When it comes to online platforms that connect you with your audience, social media is like the popular kid everyone won’t stop talking about. And it’s not hard to see why. They’re fun, they’re engaging, and they allow you to partake in the latest meme trend.  But when it comes to actually driving conversions and…

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How to write a thought leadership article

Thought leadership is a term that gets thrown around a lot in business circles. But what even is thought leadership? Do you have to have had an original thought to be a “thought leader”?  Despite the vagueries, everyone’s heard it’s good to be seen as a thought leader. However, you probably want your thoughts to…

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SEO tip: X-ray goggles to see through your competition

SEO X-ray vision

One thing is certain once you decide you want to rank higher in Google: you need to start SEO copywriting. SEO copywriting is the art (and science) of writing content that Google recognises as a strong answer to a search query. But when it comes to writing content for SEO, it can be hard to…

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Who needs a content writing course?

content writing course

Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a content writer. Or maybe you want to start a business, and you think having a blog would be a great way to drive traffic. But when it comes down to actually writing content, you find yourself putting it off. Maybe it’s because of the doubts in your head.…

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